Revolutionary War Rarities

Fast, fun, rarely known history about the American Revolution. The podcast from ”The Sons of the American Revolution”. New episodes released every two weeks. #RevolutionaryWarRarities #AmericanRevolution #RevolutionaryWar #SonsoftheAmericanRevolution

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Revolutionary War Rarities

As you might imagine from our name, Revolutionary War Rarities is about rarely known facts and stories that occurred within the American Revolution.  All episodes are between 8-10 minutes long so they are fast, fun and full of trivia.  A new episode will be released every two weeks.  If you are interested in the less known history and people of the American Revolution, then this is the podcast for you.  If you don't have a lot of spare time to learn, this is also the podcast for you.  This is the podcast of the "Sons of the American Revolution".  We are all direct descendants of individuals who served during the American Revolution.  Please subscribe and enjoy!


”An American Rembrandt”

Sunday Jun 11, 2023

Sunday Jun 11, 2023

The knowledge we have of our forefathers is significantly impacted by the artwork created during that period.  Many of our Founding Father’s sat for portraits and thankfully their look, their countenance, and their height were all captured.  This episode focuses on what many people would consider the “First Family” of American artists who captured important details of our founding history.  So, please watch, listen, and share this episode entitled “An American Rembrandt”.  Please also subscribe and click the bell on YouTube and join our Facebook Group.  Jim Griffith and Jim Maples will return in the next episode in a new studio with a new look.  
Thank you for being a part of Revolutionary War Rarities.  We are the podcast from the Sons of the American Revolution.

”Say What?”

Sunday May 28, 2023

Sunday May 28, 2023

Our language today is deeply impacted by our forefather’s.  Many common sayings of today have their origins in the American Revolution period.  Everyday idioms, which have a very specific meaning in our language, were formulated from very real problems or challenges.  And that is the subject of today’s episode of Revolutionary War Rarities.  You will be surprised how these sayings came into existence.  So, please watch and share this latest episode and make sure and subscribe and click the bell on YouTube so that you will be notified when a new episode is released.  Please also join our Facebook Group and subscribe on your favorite podcast application.  Thank you for being a part of Revolutionary War Rarities.
And, please remember to take a moment to honor those who served our nation and are no longer with us on this Memorial Day Weekend.
#rarehistory #revolutionarywar #americanhistory #americanrevolution #foundingfathers

”$8.1 Million Dollars”

Sunday May 14, 2023

Sunday May 14, 2023

Well, today’s episode of Revolutionary War Rarities is a bit different.  This episode is titled “$8.1 Million Dollars”, but is constructed significantly through artificial intelligence.  The subject of this episode is John Dunlap, the Dunlap Broadsides, and the impact that it had on the country.  But today’s episode merges 250-year-old history with cutting edge technology just to see what happens!  So, this is an experiment from Revolutionary War Rarities.  We do not intend on this being a permanent change to RWR, but it could end up being something that we use to enhance our episodes in the future.  So, we hope you enjoy today’s episode of Revolutionary War Rarities.  Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel, join our Facebook Group, and share this episode with your friends.  And, remember that the podcast is available on most podcast applications.  We are the Podcast of the Sons of the American Revolution.

”Trumbulls Everywhere”

Sunday Apr 30, 2023

Sunday Apr 30, 2023

If you have ever been in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol, then you have seen four famous paintings by John Trumbull. But, very few people are aware of the impact that John Trumbull's family had on the American Revolution. In fact, John Trumbull's Father played a major role in the revolution as well as in the Colony and State of Connecticut. Other family members did the same. I hope you enjoy this episode of Revolutionary War Rarities entitled "Trumbulls Everywhere". Thank you for being a part of Revolutionary War Rarities, the podcast from the Sons of the American Revolution.
#foundingfathers #americanhistory #americanrevolution #colonialhistory #rarehistory #revolutionarywar #trumbull

Eight Men Out

Sunday Apr 16, 2023

Sunday Apr 16, 2023

Were you aware that the title "Baker General" existed and was bestowed upon a Gingerbread Baker from Philadelphia during the Revolutionary War? Were you aware that the "Baker General" baked up to 6,000 pounds of bread in a single day? The "Baker General" became a trusted friend of George Washington and ended up donating a significant sum of money which started "The Christopher Ludwick Foundation" in Philadelphia. And, the "Baker General" had a way with people, including enemies, that would win them over to his "side". This is a great story about honesty, hard work, perseverance, and how to make a long-term difference in the world! We hope you enjoy "Eight Men Out".
#foundingfathers, #rarehistory, #americanrevolution, #christopherludwick, #americanhistory, #revolutionarywar

Dr. Who

Sunday Apr 02, 2023

Sunday Apr 02, 2023

Names of our Founding Fathers are generally known and important to our history. However, this particular Doctor who played a large role in the Revolutionary War changed his name later in life. He was a well known local Doctor who was withdrawn and very private, but very much loved. His history and his contribution to American independence was not known by his patients or the local Citizens who knew him well. It was only after his death that it was discovered who this particular individual was. Watch and find out who this was and what he did for the American Revolution!  Thank you for watching.  Revolutionary War Rarities is the Podcast of the Sons of the American Revolution.
#americanhistory, #americanrevolution, #foundingfathers, #rarehistory,#revolutionarywar, #colonialhistory

It Still Exists

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Season 1 Episode 19 is ready for viewing. Documentation and artifacts from the Revolutionary War are more abundant than you may realize. There are numerous very rare artifacts that are on display at various museums around the country and some are in private collections. These artifacts are priceless, but help us to learn about the real challenges that were faced during the Revolution. It is through these rare documents and artifacts that we better understand what happened and how it happened and are therefore educational tools that are extremely important. So, enjoy this episode as you learn more about some of these rare artifacts and the impact they had on the Revolutionary War. Thank you for listening.

New Jersey, 1777

Sunday Mar 05, 2023

Sunday Mar 05, 2023

One of the most famous moments of the Revolution was Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River. But, what happened in the months that followed? Are you familiar with the Winter of 1777 in New Jersey? On this episode of Revolutionary War Rarities we welcome Author Jim Stempel to the show and discuss that fateful Winter! He has just released a brand new book entitled “The Enemy Harassed, Washington’s New Jersey Campaign of 1777”. Don’t miss this episode! Thank you for being a part of Revolutionary War Rarities and remind your friends to join us too!
#foundingfathers #americanhistory #americanrevolution #revolutionarywar #thegardenstate

The Father of the Revolution

Sunday Feb 19, 2023

Sunday Feb 19, 2023

The American Revolution would not have been possible without the participation of so many different people. And, there are so many of those individuals whose names we rarely or maybe never hear. Although we have all heard "taxation without representation", very few people know exactly where that thought process originated. Well, his name was James Otis. According to John Adams, James Otis was the "Father of the American Revolution". James Otis fought countless legal battles against the British, ultimately became insane, and lost his life in a bolt of lightning.
Please enjoy this episode as we dive into the name "James Otis" a bit further. Thank you for being a part of Revolutionary War Rarities. Please subscribe to this YouTube Channel and click the bell. Please also join our Facebook Group. Now, enjoy our latest episode.
#americanhistory #americanrevolution #foundingfathers #rarehistory #revolutionarywar #colonialhistory#americanhistory #americanrevolution #foundingfathers #rarehistory #revolutionarywar #colonialhistory

Two Strong Women

Sunday Feb 05, 2023

Sunday Feb 05, 2023

There were many influential women during the American Revolution. Some fought, some gave advice, and many would be considered "Mothers" of this great nation. And, Revolutionary War Rarities has numerous episodes which will focus on these Founding Mothers. Today's episode, however, focuses on two strong women who represent the founding principles of this nation. One of them will be familiar to you. One will likely not be. But, what these women represent is exactly what our nation continues to strive for with each passing day. So, don't miss this episode and don't forget to Subscribe to this YouTube Channel. And, hit the bell so that you are notified when a new episode is uploaded!
#foundingfathers #americanhistory #americanrevolution #rarehistory #revolutionarywar #colonialhistory #ladyliberty #altartoliberty #battleofbrooklyn #monumenttoliberty

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